Anup Shah on WPF and Silverlight (Programming Garden)

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Portable Library Tools

I came across Microsoft's Portable Library Tools add-in for Visual Studio supports the cross-platform development of .NET Framework apps Click Here to download...

Write and Build Portable assemblies that work without modification on multiple platforms, 
such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Silverlight, Windows Phone, and Xbox 360.

For example,

you can create classes that contain shared business logic for desktop apps, Windows Store apps, and mobile apps, and you can then reference those classes from your apps.

The Portable Class Library project supports a subset of assemblies from the .NET Framework, Silverlight, .NET for Windows Store apps, Windows Phone, and Xbox 360, and provides a Visual Studio template that you can use to build assemblies that run without modification on these platforms.

With the Portable Class Library project, you can reduce the time and costs of developing and testing code by building portable assemblies that are shared across apps for different devices.

Download The Portable Class Library

Target Platforms:
.NET Framework
.NET Framework 4 and later
Update 4.0.3 and later platform updates for the .NET Framework 4
.NET Framework 4.5 (selected by default)
Silverlight 4 and later (selected by default)
Silverlight 5
Windows Phone
Windows Phone 7 and later (selected by default)
Windows Phone 7.5
.NET for Windows Store apps (*)
Xbox 360


Base Reference Sites:

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